AGM 2022

Left to right: Petra Vorsteher, Nils Winkler, Silke Kellner

On June 22, 2022, we held our Annual General Meeting 2022 with elections for the board. President David Zeller, Vice President Petra Vorsteher and Secretary Nils Winkler have been re-elected for another two years. Treasurer Daniel Albrecht decided to step down for personal reasons and we are happy to have found a successor with the tax advisor Silke Kellner. The members present confirmed these votes unanimously.

Further, the AGM decided a number of changes to the Club´s statutes. The key changes are:

-when a Member is in default with membership fees for more than two weeks, all membership rights are paused until payment has arrived.

-the board is allowed to enter agreements for limited loans / credit for operational purposes.

-The AGMs in the future can be held as physical events, online or hybrid (adjusting to the pandemic).

-Votes at the AGM can executed only by a member, not by power of attorney. Presence required.

-We are now allowed by the statutes to publish a member directory (internal, only for Club members).

After the official part, our Honorary President, Consul General Darion Akins, held a powerful speech about the importance of the transatlantic relations in the times of international crisis and underlined the relevance of working with young people. The American Club is living German-American friendship every day.