AGM 2023 brings two new Directors to the Board

We have held our 2023 Annual General Meeting on February 23, 2023 ob board the historic sailing ship Rickmer Rickmers in Hamburgs harbor. Some 60 attending members made it a fantastic evening with great food and lots of good conversation. The AGM itself was smooth and quick and brought two new faces for the Board: Antonia Ford-Roberts was elected as a new board member and Niels Petersen was for the first time confirmed by the AGM – he joined the board a few months ago. We would like to send a big “thank you” to Björn Ognibeni for his many years as a Director. Further the board thanks all members for their continuous trust and support.
Finally, our member Ute Haug, who always travels all the way from Berlin for our events, held a brief speech about the cultural differences between the US and Germany, and how those can be seen as something interesting and enriching.

Front from left: David Zeller, Petra Vorsteher, Lindsey Bultema, Antonia Ford-Roberts.
Rear from left: Silke Kellner, Michael Böcken, Nils Winkler, Niels Petersen