Dr. Richard Herzinger is sure: Putin does not take Europe seriously. “They are no military power and do not want to be one,” he says – so they do not cater for the tale Putin’s regime is telling its people: “that the West wants to destroy Russia”, says the renowned Journalist and expert for global politics.
For him, Putin and his regim are “fighting a war on the western liberal world order – everywhere and at all fronts”.
Herzinger spoke about Russian “foreign policy” in the context of Syria, in front of a full house of members and guests of the American Club of Hamburg.
Syria, he indicates, is Putins test of the western world. But while “the people there are slaughtered”, all the West does is “drawing red lines”. “Putin and his friends lay on the floor laughing”, because “the red lines were a joke”. That would have been the signal for Russia and Iran to “massively go into Syria”, where Herzinger sees “no such thing as an Assad Army”.
Essentially an “open invitation” for Putin to show the weakness if the West and the Power of Russia.
The US declaring to not intervene is “almost pushing everyone else” to do it instead. Herzinger mentioned Iranian forces and other forces getting closer to Israel, with “massive presence in Syria”. A threat for Israel, the international policy expert expects Israel “not to tolerate at all”.
Erdogan and Putin, he says, are “natural rivals” with “totally different strategic interest” but they stand united in “how much they hate the West” and they are “testing how far they can go while violating any and every international law”.
Needless to say is that followed was a lively discussion between the audience and the great speaker.
It has been a great honor to have Dr. Herzinger as a guest of the American Club of Hamburg.
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